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For week ended August 29, 1999 Posted 4 Sep 1999

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Thou shall not panic over Y2K, bankers tell churches

Summarized by Nicholas Maddox

Thou shall not panic over Y2K, bankers tell churches
Grand Rapids MI Press 23Aug99 L5
By Garrison Wells: The Grand Rapids Press

Many religious organizations are beginning to grasp the concept of preparedness. Some are using the Year 2000 issue to deliver the sermon. The practice of self-reliance and preparedness has been with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since its foundation. This includes education, earning a living, food storage, limited credit debt, tithing and savings amongst others.

Bankers have been trying to reassure their depositors that all will be well. Reassuringly many bankers have the credibility of membership in the Church. Charles Stoddard is the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Grand Rapids Michigan Stake. He is also chairman and chief executive of Grand Rapids Bank. In this article, Stoddard says that he will continue the message on the Church's practice of self-reliance leading up to the year 2000.

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