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For week ended May 30, 1999 Posted 5 Jun 1999
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Sleepwalker a kind man, witnesses say

A firefighter that responded to the emergency call and who sought to aid Yarmila Falater after her husband Scott stabbed her 44 times and held her under the water in their pool said that Scott Falater seemed unusually calm following the attack. Murder trial opens with sleepwalking defense

The murder trial of former LDS Stake high-counsellor Scott Falater started Monday in Maricopa County Superior Court. Falater is accussed of stabbing his wife 44 times and holding her head under the water of their swimming pool. Nauvoo's Prospects on Rise with Mormons' Temple Plans

The rectangular hole in the ground where the Nauvoo Temple once stood draws about 200,000 visitors a year, most of whom go to one of three competing visitors' centers in the area. Now, with the announcement that the LDS Church will rebuild the Temple, and in the wake of estimates that the area may draw as many as 1 million visitors a year, the prospects for Nauvoo and the surrounding area have improved markedly.

Other Local News Articles

Murder trial opens with sleepwalking

(Phoenix) AZ Republic 25May99

Nauvoo's Prospects on Rise with Mormons'

Chicago Tribune 24May99

Husband 'calm' at scene of murder

(Phoenix) AZ Republic 26May99

Sleepwalker a kind man, witnesses say

(Phoenix) AZ Republic 27May99

Top court won't hear appeal of Idaho killer

Deseret News 24May99

Lone survivor of Connecticut train

Tampa Bay FL Tribune (AP) 28May99

Lone survivor of Connecticut train

Trenton NJ Times (AP) 28May99

Lone survivor of Connecticut train

Birmingham AL News (AP) 28May99

Last Train Accident

Walnut Creek CA Contra Costa Times (AP) 28May99

Train Shatters Immigrant Family

Associated Press 29May99

Train Shatters Immigrant Family

Associated Press 29May99

Bridgeport family killed by train

Hartford CT WVIT TV 30 30May99

Last family member hit by train

Dallas TX Morning News (AP) 28May99

Survivor of Train Accident

(Long Island) NY Newsday (AP) 28May99

Trial hears sleepwalk testimony

(Phoenix) AZ Republic 28May99

Last Train Accident Victim Dies

New York Times (AP) 27May99


Salt Lake Tribune 28May99

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