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Posted 24 Feb 2001   For week ended September 03, 2000
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News about Mormons, Mormonism,
and the LDS Church
Sent on Mormon-News: 30Aug00

Summarized by Kent Larsen

Boston Temple Open House Begins, Demand Brings Down Website

BELMONT, MASSACHUSETTS -- The Boston Globe reports that 2,500 invited guests attended the first day of the Boston Temple's open house, as nearby residents, town officials and clergy were awed by the building's size and beauty. The LDS Church's Don Mangum, who is helping to organize the one-hour guided tours, says he expects 70,000 to 100,000 visitors to tour the building during the open house, which ends September 21st.

Using a combination of a toll-free phone number and a website, already more than 30,000 people have signed up to take the tour. In the wake of the Boston Globe's articles about the Temple on Sunday, demand on the website was so strong that it was forced to shut down. By Monday evening, the website was up and running again and taking additional reservations. On Monday alone the site gave away 2,500 tickets.

Meanwhile, some aspects of the building are still not finished. Workmen inside were still installing carpet yesterday and scaffolding remains around the entrance. And landscapers were still adding sheets of sod. Bishop Grant Bennett, who has overseen the Temple project since its inception four years ago, joked, "As the bulldozers were moving in the final sheets of sod late last night, I mused to a friend, 'That's the sound of grass growing very fast."

One of the Temple's neighbors, who visited the building yesterday, gave his impression of the building to the Boston Globe, "It's a beautiful building, and clearly an incredible amount of time and thought went into it. Even though it is not my faith, I can see why the Mormons are so proud of it,"said Dan O'Neill.


Mormon temple opens, braces for rush of tours
Boston Globe 30Aug00 D1
By Caroline Louise Cole, Globe Correspondent


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See also:
Mormon News' Coverage of the Boston Temple Challenges

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