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Posted 24 Feb 2001   For week ended April 23, 2000
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Sent on Mormon-News: 18Apr00

Summarized by Kent Larsen

LDS Student Achieves Perfection . . . On Test
Augusta GA Chronicle 17Apr00 P2
By Lisa M. Lohr: South Carolina Bureau

AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA -- LDS student Joshua Johnson has achieved a rare feat, one achieved by just a 12,000 of more than a million students that take the ACT, the American College Test. Joshua achieved a perfect 36 on the test, virtually assuring entrance into the school of his choice and guaranteeing a scholarship to many schools.

Joshua is currently a junior at South Aiken High School, and also attends seminary each morning before school and takes another seminary class by home study in the afternoons. He is also an Eagle Scout.

But Joshua claims that he didn't concentrate too much on the test. Instead, he says he was prepared because of his background. He has been a member of the school Academic Team, competing against other schools in a Jeopardy-like quiz game. He has also taken advanced placement classes and a night class which will allow him to graduate this year, a year before his peers. In addition, Joshua has taken the two major standardized achievement tests just about every time they were available. He has taken the SAT twice and managed a perfect score on the verbal portion of the test. He took the pre-SAT four times. This is the second time that he has taken the ACT.

Joshua plans to attend BYU, and the score will serve him well. He has been awarded a Gordon B. Hinckley scholarship, which will cover $4,300 of his tuition and board, about half of the cost of attending BYU, according to his mother, Marlane.

He says that the test wasn't exactly easy for him, "The science section is very difficult. [The first time I took the test] it really took my score down.'' And he wasn't even expecting the perfect sore, "I was guessing maybe a 33 or 34; I was really pleasantly surprised,'' he said.

His mother says that he simply has an ability to take these tests well, "He has the kind of mind that just retains facts,'' she said. "And it is very important to him to do well. This has really helped to open some doors, and that was a real gift.''


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